"Review: 'Mulla Sadra'" by Sayeh Meisami

Philosophy Faculty Publications

Review: 'Mulla Sadra'

Document Type

Book Review

Publication Date


Publication Source

Review of Middle East Studies


Given Kalin’s earlier work, Knowledge in Later Islamic Philosophy: Mulla Sadra on Existence, Intellect, and Intuition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), the present work generates high expectations, as the specialist reader hopes to benefit from the intellectual fruit of the author’s many years of research and writing on this subject. Yet one is reminded that Kalin’s recent work is published in the format of an introduction and, therefore, must address a wider audience than academics with a background in the nuances of Mulla Sadra's philosophy. Kalin’s book fulfils both expectations in a single work: He presents the quintessence of his findings about Mulla Sadra’s ideas and synthetic methodology in a clear language that is useful and accessible to a broad readership.




Citation information for the book reviewed: Ibrahim Kalin. Mulla Sadra. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. 181 pages. ISBN 0-19-945117-6.


Cambridge University Press
