"Philosophers On Prostitution’s Decriminalization" by Rebecca Whisnant

Philosophy Faculty Publications

Document Type

Response or Comment

Publication Date


Publication Source

Daily Nous


The decriminalization of sex work is currently being discussed around the world. Daily Nous invited a number of philosophers to join this public discussion here, with brief contributions that clarify some of its central issues and disputes.

The idea of the “Philosophers On” series is to prompt further discussion among philosophers about issues and events of current public interest, and also to explore the ways in which philosophers can add, with their characteristically insightful and careful modes of thinking, to the public conversation.

Document Version

Published Version


This document is a representation of the Daily Nous blog dialogue "Philosophers On Prostitution’s Decriminalization," made available in August 2015 and accessed for this repository on May 18, 2016. It has been provided for download by permission of the publisher. Permission documentation is on file.

Contributors include Justin Weinberg, editor of Daily Nous; Peter de Marneffe, Arizona State University; Dan Demetriou, University of Minnesota at Morris; Brian D. Earp, Oxford University; Lisa Fuller, University at Albany; Jeffrey Gauthier, University of Portland; Carol Hay, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Patricia Marino, University of Waterloo; Philip Pettit, Princeton University; and Rebecca Whisnant, University of Dayton.

Link to blog here.


Daily Nous
