Document Type
Book Chapter
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Information Politics, Protests, and Human Rights in the Digital Age
We live in a highly complex and evolving world that requires a fuller and deeper understanding of how modern technological tools, ideas, practices, and institutions interact, and how different societies adjust themselves to emerging realities of the digital age. This book conveys such issues with a fresh perspective and in a systematic and coherent way. While many studies have explained in depth the change in the aftermath of the unrests and uprisings throughout the world, they rarely mentioned the need for constructing new human rights norms and standards. This edited collection provides a balanced conceptual framework to demonstrate not only the power of autonomous communication networks but also their limits and the increasing setbacks they encounter in different contexts.
- Offers a systematic analysis of the lack of legal representation for middle- and low-income Americans
- The literature review provides essential context for students, researchers, and practitioners
- Describes current reforms and outlines a realistic agenda for access to justice challenges
Inclusive pages
Document Version
Published Version
Copyright © 2016, Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Place of Publication
New York, NY
eCommons Citation
Pruce, Joel R., "What Does Human Rights Look Like? The Visual Culture of Aid, Advocacy, and Activism" (2017). Political Science Faculty Publications. 113.
Included in
Political Theory Commons, Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration Commons
This material has been published in Information Politics, Protests, and Human Rights in the Digital Age edited by Mahmood Monshipouri. This version is free to view and download for personal use only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works.
To order the entire volume, see the publisher's website.