This gallery features images of letters and illuminations taken from selected rare books in the Marian Library and the University Archives and Special Collections. They were printed on collectible cards and distributed free in the University of Dayton Libraries in October 2019 in honor of American Archives Month.
Letters from Rare Books: G
Calmet, Augustin. Gelehrte Verhandlung der Materi, von Erscheinungen der Geistern, und denen Vampiren in Ungarn, Mahren, &c, 1752.
Letters from Rare Books: H
Dominicans. Catholic Church. Antiphonary: manuscript, approximately 15th century.
Letters from Rare Books: I
Dominicans. Catholic Church. Antiphonary: manuscript, approximately 15th century.
Letters from Rare Books: J
Dominicans. Catholic Church. Antiphonary: manuscript, approximately 15th century. (Technically, this image is of the letter I. The first recorded distinction of a J from an I is around 1524.)
Letters from Rare Books: L
Nièpce, Leopold. Fontaines et chapelles à pélérinages dans le canton de Sennecey le Grand, 1872.