"Lay or Co-Adjutrix Sister" by Clare Veronica Wyman


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A lay or co-adjutrix sister typically had never been to school and could not read or write. Instead of praying the psalms from the Breviary, she said 15 decades of the rosary every day, usually, aloud, while she worked. Instead of teaching, her work supported the choir sisters, freeing them for the labors of the classroom.

Every choir sister had some sort of housework as well as teaching, and the lay sisters had some time with the children. Her habit or dress was black since this color was best for the work she did. If it was cold, she wore a black shawl.

In the farmyard, like the sister here, she wore a sacking apron. Notice the little chicken she is looking after. In the kitchen she had a blue merino apron.

Serving in the refectory or dining room, she wore a white apron. In the chapel she wore no apron at all, and you could see her purple girdle.


Religious attire, habit, Religious of the Assumption, Catholic religious life, nuns


Religious attire, habit, Religious of the Assumption, Catholic religious life, nuns


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