Document Type


Presentation Date


Conference or Event Name

Academic Library Association of Ohio Annual Conference

Conference Location

Lewis Center, OH


Every library has a distinctive organizational culture with norms, values, rules, beliefs, and basic assumptions that have developed over time and are shared by the people who make up the organization. This culture shapes the perceptions and assumptions of the library’s personnel. A healthy culture can evoke a passion for the work, a loyalty and commitment to the organization’s mission, and a deep-seated belief in the organization’s value.

Libraries with a healthy culture are resilient, responsive, and inclusive. The health of an organization is the responsibility of every member, not just the formal leadership.

Using a combination of graphics and text, this poster presentation informs the viewer, no matter where he or she is in the organization, how to spot the signs of an unhealthy organizational culture and what steps the library can take to move its culture toward good health.

Abstract, sources.pdf (187 kB)
Abstract and sources for poster presentation
