Supplemental Media

Video feature — Banned Books and the Stuart Rose Collection

Video feature — Banned Books and the Stuart Rose Collection



A faculty panel discussion in two sessions:

Session 1:
The Index: Una Cadegan (history) looks at the current scholarship on the Index of Forbidden Books.
Galileo: Robert Brecha (physics) highlights the banning of Galileo and observational science.

Session 2:
Thomas Aquinas: John Inglis (philosophy) speaks on the banning of Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologica, the most important book in Catholic intellectual tradition.
Descartes and the Index of Forbidden Books: Paul Morman (history, Distinguished Service Professor) highlights the book by Descartes that he was not allowed to study while a student at UD in the 1960s.

Publication Date





banned books


Arts and Humanities | Education | Engineering | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


An online archive >>> of the Imprints and Impressions: Milestones in Human Progress exhibit includes photographs and commentaries on the works as well as supplemental materials including the exhibition catalogue, the exhibit handlist, interviews, lectures and more.

Streaming Media

Contents of Streaming Media

Session 1: Una Cadegan (history) looks at the current scholarship on the Index of Forbidden Books; Robert Brecha (physics) highlights the banning of Galileo and observational science.

Additional Streaming Media

Contents of Additional Streaming Media

Session 2: John Inglis (philosophy) speaks on the banning of Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologica, the most important book in Catholic intellectual tradition; Paul Morman (history, Distinguished Service Professor) highlights the book by Descartes that he was not allowed to study while a student at UD in the 1960s.

Video feature — Banned Books and the Stuart Rose Collection
