Special Education Preservice Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Toward Teaching STEAM

Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date



Teacher Education


This study aimed to determine changes in dual licensure special education preservice teachers’ thoughts, beliefs, and efficacy towards teaching science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM). An exploratory mixed-method design was used in which quantitative (pre and post-surveys) and qualitative (reflections) data were collected and evaluated separately and then integrated to find commonalities and determine potential changes in STEAM self-efficacy. Participants were first given a pre-survey and provided a STEAM workshop. During the workshop, team-taught by special education and STEAM professors, participants engaged in a STEAM activity and were provided resources for developing STEAM lessons. These resources were then used to collaboratively brainstorm and build STEAM lessons in small groups that were virtually taught to 8-10 adults with disabilities. For the next five weeks, each group taught their virtual STEAM lesson to the adults and reflected on the process. Once the lessons were completed, students were given a post-survey assessment to determine the impact of the experience on their beliefs about teaching STEAM.


special education; self-efficacy; preservice teachers; STEAM education, virtual teaching


Accessibility | Education | Online and Distance Education | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Science and Mathematics Education | Special Education and Teaching


Presentation: 2:40 p.m. Friday, April 23, 2021

Note: The data has been collected for this study and is currently in the analysis process.

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