The Importance of Parent Involvement in School-Based Mental Health Services

Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date



Counselor Education and Human Services


Parental involvement in school-based mental health services (SBMHS) is a critical means of prevention and early intervention for mental health difficulties among children and adolescents. The importance of child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in the early diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental health disorders has been established, however, access to these services remains limited due to various barriers. Studies show that a substantial number of children experience mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and trauma, which are associated with school failure, involvement with the juvenile justice system, and other adverse life experiences. Secure caregiver-child bonds have been linked to better academic performance and fewer emotional and behavioral concerns, highlighting the importance of parent involvement in their child's mental health knowledge and skills.

To further enhance the effectiveness of SBMHS, it is crucial to recognize and incorporate the cultural values and preferences of families. Therefore, utilizing culturally responsive frameworks to understand parent perceptions about SBMHS and home-to-school communication preferences is essential to the creation and implementation of school-wide frameworks.


school based mental health, SBMH, parent, collaboration


Counseling | Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Disability and Equity in Education | Education | Elementary Education | School Psychology | Secondary Education | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education | Social Justice | Special Education and Teaching

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