Brendan James McDonnell
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Rules based portfolios of stocks, often referred to as Smart Beta or Quant based portfolios, are increasingly being used by investment managers to enhance portfolio performance. In this study, I develop a fundamentals base 2 factor portfolio weighting model for 10 and 20 stock (concentrated) Portfolios in the S&P 500 Healthcare sector (XLV). I compare the the returns for these concentrated portfolios to the returns for the S&P 500 Index, ETF SPY, and the SPDR Healthcare Sector ETF, XLV. My sector weights are sales growth and relative price change, and the period of analysis is 2009-2017. I test the hypothesis that a rules based portfolio of stocks will outperform a broad based passive index (SPY) and its sector counterpart (XLV).
Publication Date
Project Designation
Independent Research
Primary Advisor
Tony S. Caporale, Robert D. Dean
Primary Advisor's Department
Economics and Finance
Stander Symposium project
Recommended Citation
"A Comparative Analysis of Rules Based Versus Passive Index Portfolio Returns (2009-2017)" (2019). Stander Symposium Projects. 1508.