Zachary J. Sheppard
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The Sophomore Social Justice Service Learning Community's (SSJSL ) mission is to promote literacy. The SJSLC's community partner, the non-profit organization Project READ, trains volunteers to help tutor students in grades K-8 and young adults. After my training, I was placed at the Immaculate Conception grade school, where I have been working with many students in English and Math. Most of the sessions have been one on one. My work with one particular student named Jacob has particularly impressed me with a greater understanding of the importance of service learning and the application of the Marianist ideals of lead, learn, and serve. This seemingly small contribution, small in the grand scheme of things, has helped reinforce my understanding of what it meant to be human. It showed me how we are always thirsting for knowledge, even at a young age, and when we gain the knowledge, we grow from it.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Independent Research
Primary Advisor
Lori G. Phillips-Young
Primary Advisor's Department
Stander Symposium project
Recommended Citation
"Service Learning Benefits the Student and the Tutor" (2012). Stander Symposium Projects. 153.