"Community Engagement Project: Helping Adolescents Achieve Long-term Ob"



Francesca Marie Gaudio, Mitchell J Tarkany



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This project will provide an evaluation of the associated benefits of the HAALO arts program. HAALO is an arts program created through a partnership with the Montgomery County Juvenile Court. It encourages at-risk teens to participate in the creation of artwork and to have a sense of pride in the rejuvenation their artwork brings to the urban landscape around them. Currently, juvenile justice programs often resort to probation and detention. These interventions are often counterproductive to change in behavior. Having at-risk teens participate in the creation of artwork is a unique and possibly more effective approach for dealing with at-risk youth. Our project summarizes our experience volunteering at Tejas (Teen Education & Joint Adult Studio). The population observed included convicted/at-risk juveniles in the Dayton area. This study takes an inductive approach that allows us to identify benefits as they become evident. The specific approach used in this qualitative research project is participant observation. Field notes are taken weekly to examine benefits in categories related to behavior- Attitude, Effort and Consistency. Our project also included an analysis of literature on similar programs and their associated benefits. The overall goal of the project was to determine whether the HAALO program positively affects the adolescents that participate.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Capstone Project

Primary Advisor

Martha Henderson Hurley

Primary Advisor's Department

Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work


Stander Symposium project

Community Engagement Project: Helping Adolescents Achieve Long-term Objectives. How does the HAALO art program benefit at-risk teens in the juvenile justice system?
