"Rehabilitation Engineering: Design of a Shower Transfer Seat"



Rachael A. Johanek, Alexander P. Jules, Deborah M. Kinor, Kendra M. Rindler, Julia M. Schaeffer, Erin E. Sutton



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The Engineering Wellness and Safety Lab (EWSL), directed by Dr. Kimberly Bigelow, gives undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to perform biomechanical engineering research. This semester, the research team has partnered with the Kettering Health Network and NeuroRehab and Balance Center to design a handicapped-accessible shower transfer seat, a need identified by occupational therapists. After researching many current shower seats and collaborating with occupational therapists and shower seat users, the EWSL developed a list of design requirements. These requirements will be incorporated in each of our designs: an adjustable peri-care door, adjustable legs with a large range of heights, corrosion resistant materials, mildew and mold resistant materials, adjustable for right and left shower heads, proper drainage in the seat and legs, backrest, supports 350 pounds, weighs less than 10 pounds, does not allow water to leak out of the shower, and costs less than 150 dollars for the user. The lab also created a list of design criteria which will us to choose the best design. The design criteria for this project are: safe, adjustable, compatible with curtain, durable, low effort, easy to remove, comfortable, intuitive, space efficient, accessories within reach, and easy to clean. The design requirements and criteria will be used to develop an appropriate design to test. The final functional prototype will be presented to the Kettering Health Network and the NeuroRehab and Balance Center at the end of this semester.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Independent Research

Primary Advisor

Kimberly E. Bigelow

Primary Advisor's Department

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Stander Symposium project

Rehabilitation Engineering: Design of a Shower Transfer Seat
