Photoluminescence study of Ga-free and Ga-containing Sb-based superlattices for mid-infrared applications
Logan Edward Cordonnier
The goal of this project was to compare the quality of the Ga-free superlattices, InAs/InAsSb, to those of the Ga-containing structures, InAs/GaSb, for possible use as mid-infrared detectors. By using a 532 nm laser, two experiments were conducted. In one experiment, the temperature was fixed at 5 K and the laser power was varied between 10 and 2000 mW. In the other experiment, the laser power was fixed and the sample temperature was varied. The data was analyzed to determine various material parameters. The values of these parameters provided valuable information about the quality and the differences between these two structures. Based on the results of this type of sample characterization, it was clear that the Ga-containing superlattices outperformed the Ga-free ones.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Independent Research
Primary Advisor
Said Elhamri
Primary Advisor's Department
Stander Symposium project
Recommended Citation
"Photoluminescence study of Ga-free and Ga-containing Sb-based superlattices for mid-infrared applications" (2019). Stander Symposium Projects. 1705.