Weaponization of the Socialist Label in Modern American Politics

Weaponization of the Socialist Label in Modern American Politics



Matt Oliver Schubert



This thesis studied the attitude of people in the United States toward the idea of socialism. The first section of my thesis examined how people define socialism, and whether there is any definition that is common among a large group of people. It also looked to see if this definition was different than their definition of democratic socialism. The next section addressed people’s support of a bill or political candidate identified as a socialist. The goal was to see if people would be willing to support a candidate or bill with socialist ideas, but shy away when they see the word “socialist.” The effects of this label were then examined across party lines to see if it had differentresults among Democrats and Republicans.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Honors Thesis

Primary Advisor

Christopher J. Devine

Primary Advisor's Department

Political Science


Stander Symposium project, College of Arts and Sciences

Weaponization of the Socialist Label in Modern American Politics
