Comparing Patterns of Insect Communities in Remnant, Old Constructed and New Constructed Prairies

Comparing Patterns of Insect Communities in Remnant, Old Constructed and New Constructed Prairies



Sienna N. Mcpeek, Emily L. Ott


This project reflects research conducted as part of a course project designed to give students experience in the research process. Course: BIO 421 P1



The purpose of our study was to determine if insect communities differ between remnant and new/old constructed prairies in the Greater Miami Valley. We hypothesize that insect communities within may vary in constructed prairies compared to remnants, and older constructed prairies may have similar insect patterns when compared to remnant prairies. We predict that certain insects may have similar abundance in remnant prairies and older constructed prairies will have greater diversity across orders in comparison to newer constructed prairies. We took sweep net samples each month in June, July, and August, doing four sets of 25 sweeps per prairie. We placed the caught insects in Ziploc bags to later be frozen. In total, there were 156 bags sorted through at the end of the summer. Samples were sorted to order using a dissecting microscope, and numbers of individuals in each order were counted. This research illustrates the contrast of the different types of prairies through their varying insect abundance and diversity.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Course Project

Primary Advisor

Chelse M. Prather

Primary Advisor's Department



Stander Symposium project, College of Arts and Sciences

Comparing Patterns of Insect Communities in Remnant, Old Constructed and New Constructed Prairies
