

Chloe M. Marklay


This poster reflects research conducted as part of a course project designed to give students experience in the research process. Course: POL 334



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Growing up in a suburb can sometimes blind us of what is happening outside of our safety bubble. I am grateful my parents encouraged me to volunteer at local nonprofits to open my eyes to the issues many people face. Problems like hunger, poverty, and no access to clean water seem so foreign to us because we aren't affected by them. Before this class, I was naive about how many people in my area are affected by some of these issues. Going to school in Dayton has made me realize how truly blessed I am and to use my gifts to help others in my community. If we all do our part to use and give our gifts we will be helping not only Dayton but those throughout the world. Just by simply donating a dollar to an organization can help impact others in a major way. The 17 SDGs are all intertwined and their goals are not unreachable if we all do our part.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Course Project

Primary Advisor

Tony Neil Talbott

Primary Advisor's Department

Human Rights Center


Stander Symposium project, College of Arts and Sciences, Human Rights Center

Bringing International Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals to Dayton
