Sarah Presley, Emily I. Rau
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Since deinstitutionalization, the number of individuals incarcerated that have mental health challenges has dramatically increased. The correctional system has sought to reduce recidivism in multiple ways for individuals who have mental illnesses through court programs, diversion, and other community programs. The literature that focuses on a mental health services while incarcerated however, is not as extensive. There are services available to an individual once they are released from prison, however providing these services within the prison environment has not been evaluated as a potential solution for reducing recidivism for mentally ill individuals. Additionally, violence in prisons, specifically focused on those with mental illnesses is of concern. This research seeks to determine the relationship between mental health spending in prisons and its effect on recidivism rates, specifically within the state of Ohio. The research also aims to determine the relationship between violence within prison and mental health spending. This study will be conducted through expenditure analysis of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections. With a large percentage of individuals currently incarcerated in the state of Ohio diagnosed with a mental illness, there is a need to know if increasing mental health services within prisons would have an impact on recidivism rates as well as prison violence.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Capstone Project
Primary Advisor
Grant W. Neeley
Primary Advisor's Department
Criminal Justice Studies
Stander Symposium project, College of Arts and Sciences
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions; Reduced Inequalities
Recommended Citation
"The Impact of Mental Health Spending on Recidivism and Prison Violence Within Ohio" (2021). Stander Symposium Projects. 2234.