Effects of State Legalization of Recreational Marijuana on Young Adult Usage Rates

Effects of State Legalization of Recreational Marijuana on Young Adult Usage Rates



Hunter Kathryn Soumar



The research in this presentation is covering usage of marijuana by young adults. It is specifically looking at how usage rates changed from years 2002 to 2018, focusing on young adults ages 18 to 25. From the year 2002 to 2018, certain states included in the research have legalized the usage of recreational marijuana for ages 21 and above. The research question is evaluating if this legalization had an effect on the yearly usage rates. The sample population contains a geographical variety of states across the United States which both have and have not legalized recreational marijuana. The research was conducted using a regression method to evaluate the relationship between variables. The quantitative data used is from secondary sources, looking at values of young adult usage rates from 2002 to 2018 in specific states. The significant findings portray a national trend of increasing usage rates by young adults. However, the consistent increase in national usage rates cannot be attributed to the legalization of recreational marijuana. Both legalized and non-legalized states included in the research show higher usage rates as years progressed. Some possible future hypotheses may explore the generational differences of marijuana usage, as opposed to research focusing on ages 18 to 25. As society changes, trends, beliefs and values will adjust as well. It is important our data stays up to date so we as a society can better understand the past, present and future trends.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Capstone Project

Primary Advisor

Grant W. Neeley

Primary Advisor's Department

Political Science


Stander Symposium project, College of Arts and Sciences

Effects of State Legalization of Recreational Marijuana on Young Adult Usage Rates
