Ericka Bruce
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Colleges and universities attempt to fill the college readiness gap by offering developmental or remedial courses to enrolled underprepared students. One such remedial program, the Six Weeks to Success (SWTS) program at Delta Career Education Corporation, is designed to prepare low-scoring college students for the rigors of college level courses. Student data from five Delta Career Education colleges were obtained for Associate Degree students who enrolled between July 2011 and June 2012. An evaluation of the data from those who completed the program and those who did not was completed to determine if there was a statistically significant difference in student retention and Satisfactory Academic Progress (a combination of student Cumulative GPA and completion rate) between the two groups of students. This was used to determine how successful SWTS students are when compared to their counterparts who are not required to take the remediation program at all. First, student data were tracked to see how many quarters students remained enrolled and if they were meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress during their tenure. Second, data were analyzed to see if any trends were found in student major, demographic information, or location of the campus. Though results varied by campus, the Six Weeks to Success did have a positive effect on student retention and Satisfactory Academic Progress in most cases. Higher Education professionals designing remedial education programs for at-risk students may benefit from the results of this study.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project
Primary Advisor
Nasser Razek
Primary Advisor's Department
Counselor Education and Human Services
Stander Symposium project, student affairs, School of Education and Health Sciences
Recommended Citation
"Research exercise: Make It or Break It, You've Only Got Six Weeks: The Effectiveness of a College Readiness Program at For-Profit Colleges" (2013). Stander Symposium Projects. 225.

This poster reflects research conducted as part of a course project designed to give students experience in the research process.