Hongwei Chen
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My research is an experimental study of an optical beam steering phenomenon based on EO effect and space-charge-controlled electrical condition. A large deflection angle is expected by applying a relatively low voltage to a 0.5-mm-thick KTN crystal with a short interaction length of 5.0 mm. In theory, the electrical condition is carrired by electrons injected from the Ohmic contact of the electrodes. The injected electrons induce the space-charge effect and the electrical field becomes uniform while the electrical field has a square root dependence on the distance from the cathode. So, a linearly graded refracted index is induced and the optical beam is cumulatively deflected as it propagates in the crystal.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Graduate Research
Primary Advisor
Qiwen Zhan
Primary Advisor's Department
Electro-Optics Graduate Program
Stander Symposium project
Recommended Citation
"Beam steering by KTN crystal(Potassium tantalate niobate)" (2013). Stander Symposium Projects. 233.