"How to improve our image quality underwater?"
How to improve our image quality underwater?

How to improve our image quality underwater?



Hao Lun Wu


Presentation: 9:20 a.m.-9:40 a.m., Kennedy Union 311



In most cases, our imaging system, light sources and objects, are situated in air which only causes small distortions or absorption of light. However, when a system is placed underwater or in air which contains lots of tiny particles disturbing our environment, images show poor visibility and serious degradation. So it is important to develop some way to overcome this, otherwise we are not able to fully gain information about the object. In this paper, we propose a method using structured light and flood light to enhance underwater images. During our research, we illuminate the object with a stripe of light and flood light, recording it using a CCD camera. After processing the recorded images we can eliminate most of the distortion in our image which gives more detail and an image of higher quality. This technique can be applied in different areas such as underwater photography, submarines, and autonomous underwater vehicles, etc. Our system greatly improves the clarity of the image and highly enhances the safety and accuracy of underwater detection. Additionally, besides the underwater applicability our methods have excellent prospects in extreme weather such as fog, heavy snow, and sandstorm, etc. Compared with other methods such as ranged gated imaging or tiling imaging, structured light imaging not only gains better quality of image but also reduces the costs significantly.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Graduate Research

Primary Advisor

Miranda van Iersel

Primary Advisor's Department

Electro-Optics and Photonics


Stander Symposium project, School of Engineering

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

How to improve our image quality underwater?
