IoT-Based Home Automation System
Prem Kumar Velagandula
A cost-efficient and reliable intrusion detection system is now required. In this digital world, we are gradually moving towards transforming our home into a smart home. The term "Internet of Things" (IoT) refers to the idea of remotely interacting with and keeping track of physical things (objects) over the Internet. The Internet of Things is a booming industry of communication and computer science. Each IoT device acts as a tiny element of an internet node, and each node communicates with and interacts with other nodes. This idea can be effectively applied to our home to make it smarter, safer, and more controlled. The likelihood of an invasion is rising daily in the modern world. There are numerous security firms available to safeguard homes from such theft. But there's still no security that the house will be protected. In this presentation, an additional security system's design and Arduino prototype implementation are discussed. To identify any intrusion, it helps make use of an ultrasonic sensor. When an item is identified, it alerts others around lighting on the LEDs and turning on the buzzer. We can use an ultrasonic sensor to retrieve the distance between the sensor and the object whenever there is a breach.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project 202310 CPS 592 M8
Primary Advisor
Ruthvik Kolli
Primary Advisor's Department
Computer Science
Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences
Recommended Citation
"IoT-Based Home Automation System" (2023). Stander Symposium Projects. 2983.
Presentation: 1:00-3:00 p.m., Kennedy Union Torch Lounge