"Driving Behavior Monitoring and Analysis System Using IoT Devices"
Driving Behavior Monitoring and Analysis System Using IoT Devices

Driving Behavior Monitoring and Analysis System Using IoT Devices



Samuel Reynolds


Presentation: 10:00 a.m-12:00 p.m., Kennedy Union Torch Lounge



I am developing a project for my IoT class to monitor and analyze individuals' driving behavior. This will be done by using a Circuit Playground Express to record changes in velocity and a GPS device to track the vehicle's location. Both of these devices will be connected to a Raspberry Pi, which will be powered by a battery pack and connected to the internet via a phone hotspot. The Raspberry Pi will collect data from the IoT devices during a drive and transmit it over Node-RED to an online dashboard, where the data will be graphed for real-time visualization and analysis.My project aims to help drivers better understand their driving habits and patterns with feedback on their rate of acceleration and the location of sudden/abrupt turns. This allows the driver to know where they could improve their driving and serve as a potential tool for promoting safe driving to insurance companies.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Course Project 202310 CPS 499 M3

Primary Advisor

Andrew Rettig

Primary Advisor's Department

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences

Driving Behavior Monitoring and Analysis System Using IoT Devices
