Monitor and Manage water Usage in Residential Buildings

Monitor and Manage water Usage in Residential Buildings



Yeshwanth Nimma


Presentation: 1:00-3:00 p.m., Kennedy Union Torch Lounge



ABSTARCTMonitor and manage water usage in residential buildings.The project's objective is to support sustainable water usage habits while assisting families in reducing their water usage and utility costs. The project might be divided into two sections to accomplish this: Section 1: Collecting meaningful data Install water flow sensors in the apartment's various rooms, including the yard, kitchen, and bathrooms.Get information on water usage trends over a period of time, preferably one month or longer.Analyze the data using data science approaches to pinpoint locations where water use might be decreased. Detecting plumbing system leakage or high water usage at particular times of the day are two examples.Create a web-based dashboard to show the data and provide the household's occupants insights.Section 2: Automating water usage Create an automated water consumption control system based on the insights from the data analysis. For instance, if it rains, the water supply to the garden is immediately cut off, and the water flow to the bathroom is decreased at certain times.Create a warning system to inform the home's occupants of leaks or unusual water use habits. Challenges: Finding the proper sensors and technology for this project's water flow and pressure measurements will be one of its problems.Creating a trustworthy algorithm to automate water use while preserving the occupants' security and comfort would be another problem.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Course Project 202310 CPS 592 M8

Primary Advisor

Andrew Rettig, Ryan Lambdin, Ruthvik Kolli

Primary Advisor's Department

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Stander Symposium, School of Engineering

Monitor and Manage water Usage in Residential Buildings
