Does Low Socioeconomic Status have an Effect on Crime Rates?

Does Low Socioeconomic Status have an Effect on Crime Rates?



Daria Harris, Alexandra Murray


Presentation: 10:40-11:00 a.m., Humanities 109



Our project is going to address the increasing Incarceration rates in the United States since the 1970s. Incarceration can be defined as the state of being confined. Incarceration typically refers to those confined to prisons, however jail confinement is a form of incarceration as well. Nearly 2.2 million persons are incarcerated nationwide in the U.S, with almost half of these offenders serving time for non-violent drug crimes. (Hayes, 2020). This is important because mass incarceration is one of the biggest issues in the criminal justice system. Since incarceration rates in the U.S are the highest in the world, it is important to discuss what factors and contributors lead to the increase of incarcerated persons. The purpose of this research was to have a national representation of incarcerated persons. The population intended for this study includes incarcerated persons in both State and Federal facilities. The results of this dataset contain variables ranging from inherent factors such as race, age, and gender to extrinsic factors such as drug usage, childhood experiences and family background. The key variables from this dataset we plan on using to support our information is the age of the inmates, employment at time of arrest, their criminal record and illegal drug/alcohol abuse at time of arrest. Analyzing the relationship with each of these variables would allow us to determine risk factors and intervention methods that could prevent them.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Capstone Project

Primary Advisor

Mark Morgan

Primary Advisor's Department

Criminal Justice and Security Studies


Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences

Institutional Learning Goals


Does Low Socioeconomic Status have an Effect on Crime Rates?
