The Role Extralegal Factors Have on Convictions

The Role Extralegal Factors Have on Convictions



Shane McGriff


Presentation: 1:20-1:40 p.m., Humanities 109



The United States of America's justice system has grown to become a very flawed and biased system over time. There are issues in certain parts of the justice system that are more flawed than others, such as the connection between rehabilitation and mental health, and the 'mandatory minimum sentences' that come with certain offenses. Additionally, extralegal factors can be unintentionally used negatively to determine the sentence length for convictions. The possibility of these disparities leave room to disprove the idea that all men/women are treated equally under the eyes of the law. Research studies can pinpoint connections and patterns between sentence length and extra-legal factors. In this study I plan to examine the Survey of Prison Inmates from 2016 to do just that, to find these connection and patterns in the American prison system. For this study I will use a negative binomial regression to see the effect that each characteristic of the independent variables has on the dependent variable.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Capstone Project

Primary Advisor

Mark Morgan

Primary Advisor's Department

Criminal Justice and Security Studies


Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences

Institutional Learning Goals


The Role Extralegal Factors Have on Convictions
