Annie Wesner, Victoria Jacobs, Nicholas Stout
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Our project is to create a STEM based lesson plan that requires students to design a thermal shirt that is effective in keeping people warm by testing different insulators. Our problem given to students is the inequality of people facing homelessness often facing extreme temperatures in Ohio with little protection from the elements, especially in Winter. There is also inequality with the cost in buying hand warmers and warm clothing. Before students create and test their shirt designs they will learn about exothermic and endothermic reactions and learn mathematical concepts of modeling growth and decay over time. Students will test and design using the scientific method what insulators they will use to create this shirt based on their knowledge of chemical thermodynamics. They will measure the effectiveness of their design over time through sampling over the time interval chosen to test the theory that exothermic reaction rate flows are proportional to temperature. Students will then model using the data from the experiment to apply both chemistry and biology concepts to mathematics in a real-world example.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project 202310 EDT 436 01
Primary Advisor
Martha Rutan, Kenneth Butler
Primary Advisor's Department
Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences
Institutional Learning Goals
Community; Diversity; Critical Evaluation of Our Times
Recommended Citation
"Human Designed Equitable Warming Shirts" (2023). Stander Symposium Projects. 3177.
Presentation: 3:00-4:15 p.m., Kennedy Union Ballroom