Drosophila Glioblastoma Model to Study Signaling Pathways
Jibriel Saqibuddin; additional authors: Arushi Rai, B.N. Rohith, Amit Singh, Madhuri Kango-Singh
AbstractObjective: Glioblastoma (GBM) is a highly aggressive and malignant brain tumor that has limited treatment options. The amplification of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-VIII (EGFR-VIII) and activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (P13K) pathway are common genetic alterations observed in GBM patients. Our objective is to model GBM in Drosophila melanogaster and study the signaling pathways that promote GBM growth and inhibit cell death. Specifically, we aim to investigate the roles of MAPK, Hippo, and WNT signaling pathways in regulating GBM growth, and Cactus expression which regulates the JNK pathway.Method: Our project involves genetic crosses that produce larvae with GBM, followed by brain dissections and immunohistochemistry to study changes in signaling pathways that promote GBM growth. Specifically, we are studying the early time points to understand the roles of signaling pathways like MAPK, Hippo, and WNT in promoting GBM growth and/or inhibiting cell death. By comparing our GBM models to experimental controls, we aim to generate initial data for designing further genetic experiments to identify specific signaling interactions that affect cell death and proliferation. We will be using two fly lines, Line 1: UAS P13K92E;+;RepoGFP/TM3B;Sb, and Line 2: W*UASEGFR * *λtop/TM6C for our studies. A genetic cross between these lines is expected to generate larvae that show glioma overgrowth due to coactivation of PI3K and EGFR in the glia.Significance: The proposed research has significant implications for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying GBM growth. Using Drosophila as a model system allows for efficient genetic manipulation and provides a cost-effective way to study complex biological processes. Additionally, the results of this study will contribute to our understanding of GBM and have the potential to inform the development of more effective treatments for this devastating disease.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Independent Research 202280 BIO 421
Primary Advisor
Madhuri Kango-Singh
Primary Advisor's Department
Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences
Institutional Learning Goals
Scholarship; Practical Wisdom; Critical Evaluation of Our Times
Recommended Citation
"Drosophila Glioblastoma Model to Study Signaling Pathways" (2023). Stander Symposium Projects. 3207.
Presentation: 1:15-2:30 p.m., Kennedy Union Ballroom