"Academic Achievement Gap of ELL Students after the COVID-19 Pandemic"



Megan K. Buzzanca


Presentation: 1:20-1:40, Kennedy Union 312



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As ELLs continue to be the fastest-growing population of K-12 public school students, itis critical to examine how ELLs were impacted by the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.ELL students struggled to transition from in-class to remote learning because many educationalmaterials were not appropriate for their learning style, both before and because of COVID. (Long,2022). Now, some of these ELL students are approximately 2-3 years behind their English nativepeers in terms of academic progress. The following research will have a foundation through aliterature review as well as a focus qualitative study on ELL students and teachers. The study willgive personal accounts of how COVID-19 has impacted the ELL student’s life in 2020 andhow it continues to impact their lives today. In addition, this study will analyze effective resourcesto further support the learning of ELL students.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Honors Thesis

Primary Advisor

Catherine M. Lawless

Primary Advisor's Department

Teacher Education


Stander Symposium, School of Education and Health Sciences, Honors Thesis

Institutional Learning Goals

Diversity; Community; Practical Wisdom

Academic Achievement Gap of ELL Students after the COVID-19 Pandemic
