

Guo Chen


Presentation: 1:15-2:30, Kennedy Union Ballroom



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In previous work, we introduced an analytical approach that utilizes the dispersion relation within an infinite periodic multilayer structure to predict the performance of finite multilayer structures. We validated the accuracy of our predictions by demonstrating numerical agreement with other established simulation methods, such as the transfer matrix method, and through experimental confirmation using fabricated multilayer metallo-dielectric structures. In this work, we employ dispersion relations to illustrate that metallo-dielectric (MD) structures, as opposed to a multilayer dielectric-dielectric (DD) structures, efficiently yields a sharp-edge transmittance spectrum profiles, and provides convenient control over both sides of the bandpass cut-off edges. Our approach also enables the calculation of effective permittivity without relying on traditional homogenization techniques. Furthermore, based on the predicted frequency response from dispersion relations and through the introduction of dielectric gaps between two identical 3-layer MDM structures, we demonstrate, using the transfer matrix method, the potential for further engineering the transmittance spectrum of bandpass filters in the visible and near-IR. The capability to achieve a sharp-edge filter with a limited number of layers further underscores the cost-effectiveness of such bandpass filters.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Graduate Research

Primary Advisor

Partha P. Banerjee

Primary Advisor's Department

Electro-Optics and Photonics


Stander Symposium, School of Engineering

Institutional Learning Goals


Spectral Control in Bandpass Filters Using Dispersion Relations in Metallo-dielectric Structures
