"Building a Strong Foundation: Sense of Belonging and Engagement at the"



Maria Katlyn Ryan


Presentation: 5:00-6:30, LTC Studio



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The purpose of this study was to explore transfer students’ experiences at the community college in preparation of transferring to a four-year institution. The participants consisted of students currently enrolled in the University of Dayton/Sinclair Academy, including pre- and post-transfer students. I used qualitative, semi-structured interviews to collect data on transfer students’ individual experiences at the community college level around sense of belonging and engagement in preparation for transfer. Participants focused heavily on academic engagement, rather than social engagement, and found belonging with peers in the academic settings. The UDSA program provided a sense of belonging before transferring to UD. These findings can help community colleges strengthen their practices to increase the number of transfer students successfully transferring to four-year institutions and graduating with a bachelor’s degree.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Graduate Research

Primary Advisor

Graham F. Hunter

Primary Advisor's Department

Counselor Education and Human Services


Stander Symposium, School of Education and Health Sciences

Building a Strong Foundation: Sense of Belonging and Engagement at the Community College in Preparation for Transfer
