

Bruce Ward Giles, Isabelle R. Walters


Presentation: 3:00-4:15, Kennedy Union Ballroom



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This study explores the underlying factors causing the conflict between Israel and Palestine and how religion, psychology, antagonism, critical race theory, and more are critical to understanding why this conflict is still raging. We explored why this war is generally thought to be political only. A literature review of relevant articles revealed that religion and racism play a large role in this conflict that has been going on for many years; not just politics. Patterns and traditions of how people think and act reveal a clear history of foundation building that led to this conflict from both sides. Religious reasons play a role in the conflict as well as the theoretical concept of constitutional violence, which explains why power is not gained through the constitution. We also learned that patterns of intra-Muslim contradictions and violence relating to religion have been around for hundreds of years and that religion can wrongfully influence violence. According to critical race theory, the prevalence of racism towards Palestinians is engraved in Israeli society. The conflict is something that not everyone wants on both sides, but racism and stereotypes are embedded in each side and lead to hate.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Course Project - SSC 200 H5

Primary Advisor

Laura M. Leming

Primary Advisor's Department

Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work


Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences

Institutional Learning Goals

Scholarship; Faith; Critical Evaluation of Our Times

Religion and overlooked factors of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
