"How Childhood Factors Influence Frequency of Offending"
How Childhood Factors Influence Frequency of Offending

How Childhood Factors Influence Frequency of Offending



Shamari Sherre Devance-Dyer, Kenneth J. Smith


Presentation: 1:40-2:00, Marianist Hall Learning Space 218



When adolescents commit crimes, rarely is the full environment of the child viewed. The upbringing of children plays a big role in how they act within society as they get older. Some children come from poor parenting styles while other children may come from a stricter parenting style. The importance of parenting styles may reflect the behavior of adolescents. For example, a child may be considered a bully in their school and that can be due to that child possibly being surrounded by violence or abusive behavior in their household. Outside the home, children can experience challenges in the community as well. After school programs and sports have been extremely beneficial to development, and keeping adolescents out of gangs. These activities build life skills while having the ability to keep these developing individuals on the right track. In the social aspects, students need to be involved outside of where they are comfortable and receive a diverse amount of support to continue to prosper. Looking at childhood factors (Personal, Environmental, and Social) can be a true indicator of how often an individual will interact with the criminal justice system.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Capstone Project

Primary Advisor

Mark A. Morgan

Primary Advisor's Department

Criminal Justice and Security Studies


Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences

Institutional Learning Goals

Practical Wisdom

How Childhood Factors Influence Frequency of Offending
