Sarah Marie Nie
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College-aged individuals are a unique population that are in the prime years of developing life-long habits that can affect their physical and mental health. It is understood that adults in the US are more likely to meet the adult recommendations if they are given free access to recreation centers and have experience and knowledge of ways to exercise. The purpose of this research study is to learn about the effects that free on-campus recreational centers and access to education on physical activity have on students’ physical health and well-being.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project - HSS 428 M1
Primary Advisor
Claire Victoria Wilt
Primary Advisor's Department
Health and Sport Science
Stander Symposium, School of Education and Health Sciences
Institutional Learning Goals
Community; Scholarship; Critical Evaluation of Our Times
Recommended Citation
"The Relationship of College-aged Students and Physical Activity: Barriers and Motivators" (2024). Stander Symposium Projects. 3531.
Presentation: 10:45-12:00, Kennedy Union Ballroom