"Identifying the effects of environmental conditions on L. monocytogene"
Identifying the effects of environmental conditions on L. monocytogenes fitness and pathogenesis modified by transcription factor CodY

Identifying the effects of environmental conditions on L. monocytogenes fitness and pathogenesis modified by transcription factor CodY



Elizabeth K. Herr


Presentation: 1:00-1:20, Kennedy Union 211



L. monocytogenes is a pathogen with the capability of causing severe illness in individuals who consume contaminated foods. Many foods have been found to harbor the bacterium, but dairy products, produce, and other prepackaged foods are particularly susceptible to contamination. Contaminated foods are exposed to a variety of environmental conditions during packaging, processing, consumption, and digestion, all of which play an essential role in modulating the survival and pathogenesis of L. monocytogenes. Conditions of particular interest include cold storage, presence of food additives, and activity of antimicrobial enzymes such as lysozyme. My honors thesis research has focused on elucidating how L. monocytogenes fitness is regulated by these and other conditions and how the transcription factor CodY is involved in these processes. Most notably, our results suggest that CodY is involved in L. monocytogenes susceptibility to lysozyme. Our findings contribute to our understanding of how this dangerous pathogen responds to conditions relevant during transmission and infection.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Honors Thesis

Primary Advisor

Yvonne Y. Sun

Primary Advisor's Department



Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences

Institutional Learning Goals

Scholarship; Practical Wisdom

Identifying the effects of environmental conditions on L. monocytogenes fitness and pathogenesis modified by transcription factor CodY
