Analysis and Design of High-Efficiency Modular Multilevel Resonant DC-DC Converter

Analysis and Design of High-Efficiency Modular Multilevel Resonant DC-DC Converter



Haoran Meng


Presentation: 9:00-9:20, Kennedy Union 331



This paper demonstrates a high-efficiency modular multilevel resonant DC-DC converter(MMRC) with zero-voltage switching (ZVS) capability. In order to minimize the conduction loss in theconverter, optimizing the root-mean-square (RMS) current flowing through switching devices is consideredan effective approach. The analysis of circuit configuration and operating principle show that the RMSvalue of the current flowing through switching devices is closely related to the factors such as the resonanttank parameters, switching frequency, converter output voltage and current, etc. A quantitative analysis thatconsiders all these factors has been performed to evaluate the RMS current of all the components in thecircuit. When the circuit parameters are carefully designed, the switch current waveform can be close tothe square waveform, which has a low RMS value and results in low conduction loss. And a design examplebased on the theoretical analysis is presented to show the design procedures of the presented converter. A 600W48 V-to-12 V prototype is built with the parameters obtained from the design example section. Simulationand experiments have been performed to verify the high-efficiency feature of the designed converter. Themeasured converter peak efficiency reaches 99.55% when it operates at 200 kHz. And its power density canbe as high as 795 W/in3.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Independent Research

Primary Advisor

Dong Cao

Primary Advisor's Department

Electrical and Computer Engineer


Stander Symposium, School of Engineering

Institutional Learning Goals

Scholarship; Scholarship; Scholarship

Analysis and Design of High-Efficiency Modular Multilevel Resonant DC-DC Converter
