

Holly E. Conklin, Luis Andrés Ramírez Márquez, Aaliyah S. Rios


Presentation: 1:15-2:30, Kennedy Union Ballroom



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The Kichwa people are a prime example of indigenous sustainability and stewardship in the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest. Through established cultural customs, they use sustainable hunting, fishing, and agricultural practices to coexist with the environment. These efforts are strengthened by cooperative projects with outside partners, which promote ecotourism and conservation initiatives. Threats like deforestation continue despite advancements, highlighting the necessity of continuous support for indigenous rights and traditional knowledge. The coexistence of the Kichwa with their surroundings provides an essential model for the conservation of rainforests, emphasizing the role that indigenous leadership plays in protecting biodiversity and promoting sustainable livelihoods.Our presentation will focus on the Amazon rainforest and how the indigenous community, Kichwa, has been maintaining the rainforest. The research we have done helped us understand how economic and political concerns play a role in sustainability in the Amazon rainforest, specifically with conservation policies. There is an evident and urgent need to preserve and safeguard the world's forests. Indigenous communities, such as the Kichwa of the Amazon, have realized that action is necessary to stop the worst consequences of deforestation, climate change, and its effects on species. To achieve this, the Kichwa community in the Ecuadorian Amazon is putting cutting-edge, sustainable agroforestry techniques into practice.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Course Project - SPN 387 X1

Primary Advisor

Francisco J. Penas-Bermejo

Primary Advisor's Department

Global Languages and Cultures


Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences

Institutional Learning Goals

Diversity; Community; Critical Evaluation of Our Times

Rainforest Conservation and Indigenous Communities
