"The effects of caffeine on athletic performance amongst female collegi"



Kara Marie Gunter, Madeline Joy Kapsimalis, Jillian E. Peltier, Jenna Elizabeth Williams, Ivy Elizabeth Wolf


Presentation: 1:15-2:30, Kennedy Union Ballroom



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Caffeine intake has been popular amongst collegiate athletes for decades in hopes that its supplementation is beneficial to their athletic performance. Prior studies have found mixed results in determining whether caffeine intake has significantly improved athletic performance when comparing the results of various functional skill tests (e.g., handgrip strength, Sargent’s jump, upper-body explosive power, attack skill, service skill, hand movement speed, Illinois agility) (Nemati et al., 2023). Significant results were found regarding some of the tests; however, the results were not conclusive enough to generalize what was found. The purpose of this study is to investigate how caffeine intake correlates to athletic performance and heart rate in female collegiate basketball players. We aim to investigate the relationship between caffeine consumption and its effects on cardiovascular activity and physical exertion by collecting data through a questionnaire survey, and performance measurement on two separate practice days.The data will be collected from female basketball players at the University of Dayton. By using a quasi-experimental design, our participants will report their performance after the practice sessions. First, they will not consume caffeine before practice as their heart rate is monitored. The same participants will have their heart rate monitored after consuming 200mg of caffeine (Alani Nu Energy Drink) before practice on a different day. While this study is still under investigation, our results will suggest how caffeine consumption may have a positively significant impact on athletic performance in female collegiate basketball players. Our findings will provide further understanding into how caffeine can perhaps enhance athletic performance and whether the findings are significant enough to be applicable to a generalized population of athletes looking to boost their performance.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Course Project - HSS 428 M3

Primary Advisor

Daniel F. Yang

Primary Advisor's Department

Health and Sport Science


Stander Symposium, School of Education and Health Sciences

Institutional Learning Goals


The effects of caffeine on athletic performance amongst female collegiate basketball players
