Inspirational Women in STEM: Presentation and Panel Discussion - Session 2

Inspirational Women in STEM: Presentation and Panel Discussion - Session 2



Sowmyasri Amujuri, Arpitha Guruprasad, Jennifer Lynne Keltos, Jeevanajyothi Kochana, Madhu Shankar Koppisetti, Nishanth Sreeram nagar Niranjan, Deepali Vishal Thombare


Presentation: 1:20-2:00, Kennedy Union 331



Despite the progress of women and minorities in post-secondary education fields such as medicine and law, they continue to face challenges in engineering and other STEM disciplines, both in academia and in industry. The Leadership and Engagement for Engineering Diversity (ENM 583) class develops an awareness of the barriers, biases and challenges to improving the culture to make the field more inclusive. Our contribution begins with presentations developed in an abbreviated pecha kucha format to profile inspirational women in STEM fields, followed by a panel discussion of the issues preventing parity in representation in STEM, as well as personal observations and experiences, wit the hope of enlightening our community about the gaps in opportunities faced by classmates and colleagues.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Course Project - ENM 583 01

Primary Advisor

Sharon Claxton Bommer

Primary Advisor's Department

Engineering Management, Systems, and Technology


Stander Symposium, School of Engineering

Institutional Learning Goals

Diversity; Community; Critical Evaluation of Our Times

Inspirational Women in STEM: Presentation and Panel Discussion - Session 2
