

Ann B. Swartz



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Community colleges have become the gateway into college for many students due to their open access and reduced tuition rates. It has been estimated by Provasnik and Planty (2008) that in 2006, 35% of all post-secondary students were enrolled at community colleges and furthermore, community colleges serve a higher percentage of minority students and women. Graduation rates at community colleges are notoriously low at a time in Ohio's history when only 36% of adults have an associate degree or higher. Students who are underrepresented in post-secondary education are at greater risk of leaving school before earning a degree or certificate. In an effort to address the needs of African American students attending Sinclair Community College (SCC), the Urban African American Mentor Program (UAAMP) was started in 2009 with a core group of 32 students. The intent of this research was to engage in causal comparative research in comparing graduation and transfer rates among the UAAMP group with graduation and transfer rates among a randomly chosen group of SCC students with similar characteristics. Variables of gender and age were also examined to see if there were statistically significant differences among students. Through data analysis, an effect between participating in the formal mentoring group and graduation/transfer rates was established. An evaluation of the effectiveness of this formal mentoring program helps provide accountability for SCC and continue UAAMP's funding in the future.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Graduate Research

Primary Advisor

Nasser Razek

Primary Advisor's Department

Counselor Education and Human Services


Stander Symposium project, student affairs, School of Education and Health Sciences

Partnering for Success: The Effects of Formal Mentoring on Graduation and Transfer Rates Among African American Students in an Urban Community College
