Grace Marie Van Atta
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It was only in 1959 that laws requiring education for children with disabilities started to appear. Since then, numerous laws have been put into effect to provide these students the adequate instruction and skills support needed to succeed in school. The accessibility of schools vary between rural, suburban, and urban schools. Different access to professional development for teachers, funding for students with disabilities, and the effects of Covid have impacted accessibility in education. This review aims to look at these factors and their effects on accessibility in education and thus the education that students with disabilities are receiving.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project - EDT 110 H1
Primary Advisor
Vanessa G. Winn
Primary Advisor's Department
Teacher Education
Stander Symposium, School of Education and Health Sciences
Institutional Learning Goals
Recommended Citation
"Exploring Accessibility in Education: Are we creating Equal Learning Opportunities for Students with Disabilities?" (2024). Stander Symposium Projects. 3612.
Presentation: 3:00-4:15, Kennedy Union Ballroom