"Sustainability issues in Brazil: the Brazilian Amazon and its indigeno"



Alejandro Cazorla Granados, Chloe J. Klawon, Dasha E. Penas-Johnson


Presentation: 1:15-2:30, Kennedy Union Ballroom



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In the 21st century, our society speaks of indigenous groups as notions of the past, as steps on the ladder towards modernization. However, indigenous peoples and their collective identities are very much part of our present world, and we must advocate for their recognition and their rights. While there are approximately 370 million indigenous people spread all over the world, practicing distinctive traditions and holding varying beliefs, there is a single, irrefutable value found among all groups– their connection to their land. The United Nations informs: “They have a special relation to and use of their traditional land. Their ancestral land has a fundamental importance for their collective physical and cultural survival as peoples.” The Brazilian Amazon has the highest concentration of indigenous people in the world. Our group will be highlighting the Tikúna tribe which is the largest indigenous group found in the Amazon. We will explore how sustainability issues such as deforestation and mining have affected this group and others in the Amazon. Furthermore, we will discuss how socioeconomic, political, and social justice issues in Brazil perpetuate such harmful ramifications onto these groups and the environment. Finally, we will identify possible solutions to the problems that endanger both the land and the indigenous people of the Amazon.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Course Project - SPN 387 X1

Primary Advisor

Francisco J. Penas-Bermejo

Primary Advisor's Department

Global Languages and Cultures


Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences

Institutional Learning Goals

Community; Critical Evaluation of Our Times; Diversity

Sustainability issues in Brazil: the Brazilian Amazon and its indigenous tribes are in danger.
