2022: James P. Farrelly, Milestone Book Selection

2022: James P. Farrelly, Milestone Book Selection


Year of Recognition



Promotion to the rank of Professor Emeritus, Department of English

Book Selection

Yeats's Vision and the Later Plays, by Helen Hennessey Vendler

Why the honoree chose the book

Dr. Vendler's book was the catalyst for my dissertation on Yeats, "Yeats and Ireland: The Interaction of Genius and Genius Loci," at Boston University and charted my course and advanced my career as a teacher and scholar at the University of Dayton. Now a retired professor emerita at Harvard, Dr. Vendler has inspired me every step of the way to my own retirement in 2022, and I thank her not only for her guidance and counsel, but for the book that started my journey in 1966 on "the road not taken."

2022: James P. Farrelly, Milestone Book Selection
