2024: Lucy J Allbaugh, Milestone Book Selection

2024: Lucy J Allbaugh, Milestone Book Selection


Year of Recognition



Promotion to the rank of Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

Book Selection

Truth and Repair: How Trauma Survivors Envision Justice, by Judith L. Herman

Why the honoree chose the book

In her essential first book, Trauma and Recovery, Judith Herman redefined the field of trauma studies, and her work has been inspirational to students, trauma researchers, and interventionists. This follow-up uses the same feminist and critical lens to propose an approach to the treatment of trauma that is justice-oriented and revolutionary. This book is as emotionally evocative as it is inspiring for anyone interested in learning more about resilience and recovery in the face of traumatic events.


Academic tenure, promotion, professional milestone

2024: Lucy J Allbaugh, Milestone Book Selection
