2024: Meredith L.T. Montgomery, Milestone Book Selection

2024: Meredith L.T. Montgomery, Milestone Book Selection



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Year of Recognition



Promotion to the rank of Associate Professor, Department of Counselor Education and Human Services

Book Selection

Internal Family Systems Therapy, 2nd edition, by Richard C. Schwartz and Martha Sweezy

Why the honoree chose the book

Internal family systems therapy is a clinical counseling modality that posits that the human psyche is multiple rather than singular. This model helped me understand our relation to our creator — as he is multiple (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). The model also transformed my mental health practice, allowing for groundbreaking progress in cases where my client and I had been stymied. This book is helpful not only to practitioners, but also to anyone who is interested in better understanding the human psyche and how we relate to one another.


Academic tenure, promotion, professional milestone

2024: Meredith L.T. Montgomery, Milestone Book Selection
