2021: Kimberly Edginton Bigelow, Milestone Book Selection

2021: Kimberly Edginton Bigelow, Milestone Book Selection



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Year of Recognition



Promotion to the rank of Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Book Selection

Advice for the Novice Investigator: Examples Taken from Movement Sciences, by Nick Stergiou

Why the honoree chose the book

My professional journey has been shaped by the mentorship, support, encouragement, and friendship of the close-knit biomechanics community. Dr. Nick Stergiou was one of the first researchers I met during my very first American Society of Biomechanics meeting, and he, like so many ASB members, has been a champion for me and the next generation of biomechanists. I am forever grateful, and I hope my students can now benefit from Dr. Stergiou's wisdom by reading his book.


Academic tenure, promotion, professional milestone

2021: Kimberly Edginton Bigelow, Milestone Book Selection
