Volume 14, Number 2 (1989)
Front Matter
Front Matter, Volume 14, Number 2
University of Dayton
The Erosion of Comment K
John P. Reilly
Successive Assignments—Conflicting Priorities
Elliot Axelrod
Systems Analysis, Microcomputers, and the Judicial Process
Stuart S. Nagel
Tort Law: Social Host Liability for the Negligent Acts of Intoxicated Minors
Mary Katherine Huffman
Evidence: The Cry of an Abused Child: Ohio's Expansion of the Excited Utterance Exception to the Hearsay Rule
Nicholas E. Davis Jr.
Tort Law: A Private Contractor in Government Clothing
Walt A. Linscott
Legislative Notes
Ohio Rev. Code Ann. Ch. 1351 (Anderson 1988): Ohio's Rent-to-Own Legislation: Adequate or Ineffective?
Carolyn A. Van Schaik
Contempt Power and the Bankruptcy Courts: The New Trend
Richard C. Howard Jr.
Videotaped Child Testimony and the Confrontation Clause: Are They Reconcilable?
Barbara Hobday Owens