Volume 16, Number 2 (1991)
Front Matter
Front Matter, Volume 16, Number 2
University of Dayton
No-Fault Compensation for Unavoidable Injuries: Evaluating the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
Theodore H. Davis Jr. and Catherine B. Bowman
Protection against Government Abuse of Power: Has the Court Taken the Substance out of Substantive Due Process
Rosalie Berger Levinson
The Republican Revival Debate—Private Economic Power, the Forgotten Factor
Walter J. Kendall III
Legislative Notes
Family Law: Ohio's New Child Support Guidelines: Amended Substitute House Bill Number 591, 1990 Ohio Legis. Serv. 5-546 (Baldwin)
Martin A. Beyer
The Continuing Workers' Compensation Controversy in Ohio: Is Ohio Revised Code Section 4121.80 (D) Unconstitutional?
Randal S. Knight
The Collateral Source Rule in Ohio
James P. Nolan III