Volume 18, Number 1 (1992)
Front Matter
Front Matter, Volume 18, Number 1
University of Dayton
The Rise and Fall of Worst Case Analysis
Edward A. Fitzgerald
Ohio's Ethical Prohibition against the Use of Dual Degrees in Letterheads: A Time for Change
Jorge L. Carro and Lisa A. Martinez
Patent Law: The Res Judicata Effect of Consent Decrees in Patent Litigation
Gregory Gerald Kenyon
Patent Law: Best Mode Disclosure—Genetic Engineers Get Their Trade Secret and Their Patent Too?
Richard M. Mescher
Trademark Law: Vuitton v. White, 945 F.2d 569 (3d Cir. 1991) and the Ex Parte Seizure Order in Trademark Counterfeit Litigation: The Trend Must End
Michael L. Petrucci
Tort Law: The Status of Assumption of Risk in Product Liability in Ohio after Cremans v. Willmar Henderson Mfg., 566 N.E.2d 1203 (Ohio 1991)
Samuel R. Guelli
Legislative Notes
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: Permits and Enforcement—The Guts of the New Law
Daniel F. O'Sullivan
Blood Bank Liability to Recipients of HIV Contaminated Blood
Daniel L. Russo Jr.